April through October, runs start at 8 AM sharp on Saturdays (during June, our hottest month, runs will start at 7 am until monsoons kick in). Unless otherwise noted, November through March, Flagstaff runs start at 9 AM, Sedona/Williams area runs meet earlier so read description below. For Sedona and Flagstaff trail run descriptions, visit David Blanchard’s web site.
If you run with a dog, for you, your pet's safety, and for the safety of other runners,
please use a leash, it is the law! See attorney James Griffith’s paper about the importance of doing so.
Also, remember that after many of our runs we convene at various coffee shops so bring a few bucks along!
Update for Winter 2024/2025 Sedona runs start at 8:30 AM. Our new carpool spot will be the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking area. If there is ice/snow on the roads in Flagstaff, we will meet at the specified carpool spot, usually Fort Tuthill, and run, snowshoe, or ski. Sedona participants can run the planned route. Also, please note, many of the parking areas in Sedona required the Red Rock Pass or National Parks Pass. If you are new to the group, be sure to sign up for our FREE Lifetime membership, and sign the waiver at https://runsignup.com/Club/AZ/Flagstaff/NorthernArizonaTrailRunnersAssociation
When you attend a group run, you are responsible for your own safety, and for knowing the route. If you do not know the route, please study it ahead of time with the provided links and stick with someone who knows the way. Also, for safety/emergency purposes, please carry a cell phone.
April 5th: There are two group runs you can join!
RUN 1: For those who would like to participate in the FREE Tour de Sedona 50K group run (limited to 75 folks), this is a very low key trail run. As the Sedona Trail Running group likes to say, "No Cost, no tee shirts, no awards, no whining, and no wimps." What you do get is a day running on the breathtaking red rock trails of Sedona with friendly runners at a beautiful time of the year. The run will start at 6:30 AM. To get on the list email run100joe@gmail.com
RUN 2: NATRA returns to the high country with our third date with the Coffee and Kilometers group! Starting at 8 AM, we will meet up with the Coffee and Kilometers Run Club that starts at Single Speed Coffee Roasters (https://maps.app.goo.gl/R7XNqgcwhRVHtdzS8) at 8 AM. From there we will run the Sinclair Wash Trail for about 4 total miles and return for coffee and donuts. Of course you can run as far as you like on the Arizona Trail past the turnaround point at the ponds!
March 29th: We will run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail meeting at the Bell Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp. For those coming from Flagstaff, we will carpool from the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:45 AM!
March 22nd: Hangover Trail Loop, about 8 miles (this can be easily shortened by going out and back). Meet spot is the Old Munds Wagon Road Trailhead off Schnebly Hill Road, starting at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:45 AM.
March 15th: Stirrup-SaddleUp-Stirrup-Lasso-Girdner-Roundabout; 6.4 miles. Meet at the Sedona Cultural Park at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the For those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:30 AM. For those on Strava, you can view the route at https://www.strava.com/routes/3202620129863927000
March 8th: We will run a 6-mile (https://www.strava.com/activities/6713384437) loop starting at the Jacks Canyon Trailhead and incorporating the Little Rock and Rabbit Ears trails at 8:30 AM sharp (https://maps.app.goo.gl/jsfSvYSDYQu3BD9C7). Those coming from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf course parking lot at 7:30 AM. Afterwards we will have brunch at Linda's house!
March 1st: We will run Woods Canyon out and back, anywhere from 5 to 8 miles. For those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:30 AM. Otherwise just meet at the Woods Canyon Trailhead (turn in at the Red Rock Ranger Station) at 8:30 AM sharp!
February 22nd: Aerie-Deadman-Pass-Mescal-Yucca-Canyon Of Fools-Dawa-Cockscomb; 5.8 miles. Meet at the Fay Canyon Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp, or for those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot at 7:30 AM. Kerry and Doug will host a post-run brunch at their house in Sedona, so please bring a treat or beverage to share!
February 15th: We will run the Yavapai Vista Figure 8 Loop Trails for a total of about 5 miles. For those that wish to run longer, you can divert onto the Templeton Trail System and run around Cathedral Rock. For those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:30 AM. Otherwise just meet at the Yavapai Vista Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp!
February 8th: We will run about a 6-mile out-and-back on Marj's Draw trail from the Old Munds Wagon Road Trailhead starting at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course parking lot at 7:45 AM.
February 1st: Group gathering will be for the RunSedona races where NATRA will once again staff our infamous Aid Station at Doe Mountain. Once the aid station slows down many will do an out-and-back on the Aeries Trail. If you'd like to join the fun, please sign up at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WTMN8LJ
January 25th: Meet at the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf lot at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Mescal Trail parking lot to start our Mescal trail loop run at 8:30 AM. For a map of the route or gpx file, click here.
January 18th: Meet at Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Long Canyon Trailhead (https://goo.gl/maps/gV6kcbiPVHzH6CA48) to run our annual 7-mile out and back adventure. Run starts promptly at 8:30 AM.
January 11th: Meet at the Fort Tuhtill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:20 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Fay Canyon Trailhead in Sedona. The run will start at 8:30 AM and we will run the 6 mile Aeries Cockscomb Loop (Click the link to view the route and download a gpx file).
January 4th: Meet at Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Broken Arrow Trailhead. Otherwise, meet at the trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp (https://goo.gl/maps/4Nzj8YoHA9ZDxvTG7), and we will run to Chicken Point and then to the top of Submarine Rock, a short, but 4.4 rugged miles. Those who want to do more can go out and back on Marj's Draw.
New Year's Day, Meet at 9 AM sharp at the Marshall School/Flagstaff Junior Academy parking lot and we will run the Flagstaff Urban Trail System to the "shire" returning via the Highway 180 trail. This run will be about 6 miles, but can be made longer or shorter for anyone!
December 28th: Meet at Fort Tuhtill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:20 AM to carpool to the Turkey Creek Trail parking area where we will run about a 7-mile out and back starting at 8:30 AM. Click here for Strava map and gpx file.
December 25th: HOHOHOHO!!!!! Join NATRA on Christmas morning at Buffalo Park and we will celebrate together by running two Buffaloops at 9 AM sharp!
December 21st: Meet at Fort Tuhtill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Old Munds Wagon Road parking area where we will run about a 5-mile out and back on the Huckaby Trail starting at 8:30 AM. For a preview of the run and to download a gpx file, visit https://www.strava.com/activities/8287459477
December 14th: Meet at Fort Tuhtill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:30 AM to carpool to the Baldwin Trailhead parking lot where we will run the out and back along Buddha Beach and the Templeton Trail at the base of Cathedral Rock, about 8 miles. The run starts at 8:30 AM sharp. For a preview of the run and to download a gpx file, visit visit https://www.strava.com/activities/6564847924
December 7th, we return to Red Rock Country! We will run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail meeting at the Bell Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp. For those coming from Flagstaff, we will carpool from the Flagstaff Disc Golf parking lot at 7:45 AM! For a preview of the run and to download a gpx file, visit https://www.strava.com/activities/10317991767
November 30th, meet at the Sandy Seep Trailhead (https://maps.app.goo.gl/S7ZNawg5SnseoS6a7) at 9 AM sharp and we will run the Arizona Trail north to Little Elden Springs and back, about 8 miles or however short or far you want to run!
November 28th, Thanksgiving Day: Get ready for the big feast as we will meet at 8:15 AM sharp at Buffalo Park. We will do two laps in the park ahead of the old Flagstaff Road and Track Club's Turkey Predictor run that has free registration beginning at 9 AM.
November 23rd, meet at the Sandy Seep Trailhead (https://maps.app.goo.gl/S7ZNawg5SnseoS6a7) at 9 AM sharp to run to Picture Canyon and back, about 6 miles and learn all about Flagstaff history!
November 16th, meet at the Campbell Mesa Trailhead overflow parking area at 9 AM sharp. We will do the outer 6 mile loop with an option to do the shorter 5K loop. Download the 5K gpx file here, and the 10K file here. Please print out maps or download the gpx files from the provided Strava links if you are new to the area or unsure of the route!
November 9th, meet at 9 AM sharp at the REI parking lot. We will have options of 5 and 7 miles in Sinclair Wash. View the 5-mile route here and the 7.3-mile route here!
November 2nd, It is a NATRA doubleheader! At 9 AM sharp, we will meet at the Schultz Creek detention ponds parking area for a 5-mile run with 600 ft. of climbing. We will run about a 5-mile loop - Chimney Springs/Schultz Creek/Afterglow/Big Bang/Spacewalk/Dipper/Big Bang/Orbit/Chimney.
Afterwards, those who would like to support the Girls on the Run 5K in Buffalo Park can either register for the 5K as a "Sparkle" runner, donate, or simply just show up to cheer on the girls and their running buddies! While the 5K starts at noon, we will show up around 11 to get registered or take volunteer positions. We hope you will join us for this very special event!
October 26th, meet at 8 AM sharp at Schultz Tank parking area at 8:00 AM, and we will the run Waterline Road now that it has reopened. This is an out and back so you can run as far or as short as you like! most will run to the tunnel and back, about 6 miles. For anyone interested in carpooling, meet that the detention basin parking lot at 7:45 AM.
October 19th, meet at 8 AM sharp at the Sunset Trailhead and we will run the new trails in the vicinity of the Sunset Trailhead. For anyone interested in carpooling, meet that the detention basin parking lot at 7:45 AM. View the run on Strava or download the gpx file or the kmz file here. This is a 6.5 mile loop, however, there will be shorter options available.
October 12th, the group run is canceled in favor of the 25th Running of Soulstice!
October 6th, 8:30 AM: We are bringing WAR DOG back! War Dog was Flagstaff's legendary trail race that first took place in 1981, sponsored by Nike and Coors! The 1984 designation of the Kachina Peaks Wilderness prevented War Dog from being held as a permitted event. Since then, old "War Dogs" kept the tradition alive until fires and flooding heavily damaged and closed the historic Weatherford Trail. With Schultz Pass Road reopened, we will meet at the Schultz Tank parking area at 8:30 AM. At 8:45 AM sharp, we will walk up to the original starting tree to start the run at 9 AM. Whether you do the whole 13.1 miles 3,000 ft run to Doyle Saddle and back or you just want to hike, join the fun on October 6th. There will be a potluck at Schultz Tank afterwards, so bring a treat or beverage to share! To learn more about War Dog, visit http://www.natra.org/history
October 5th, 8 AM: With fall colors in full swing, we will meet at Aspen Corner at 8 AM sharp to run to Bismarck Lake and back. This run is about 8 miles round trip on the Arizona Trail but can be made shorter or longer. to ease congestion at Aspen Corner, let's get as many folks to carpool by meeting at the parking lot at the corner of Snowbowl Road and Highway 180 at 7:45 AM.
September 28th 8 AM: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:15 AM sharp and we will carpool out to Dow Springs Trail head to run the Sycamore Rim Trail. While this is about an 7.5 mile loop, you can also run out and back if you don't want to do the loop.
September 21st Group run canceled in favor of our Hull Cabin Aid station duties supporting the Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Stagecoach Line races!
September 14th: We will meet for a special 7 AM out-and-back run on about 5 miles on the Kelly Multiple Use Trail System meeting at https://www.google.com/maps/search/35.056398,+-111.677967?entry=tts. At 8:30 AM, we will participate in our annual sponsorship of the Flagstaff Biking Organization's Pedals vs. Pistons vs. Horseshoes vs. Hiking Shoes Kelly Multiple Use Trail maintenance day. Join NATRA and give back to the trails that we ALL love!
September 7th: Join NATRA as we preview the Soulstice Trail Run north of Parks, AZ. For those from Flagstaff we will leave from the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:30 AM. For those coming from Bellemont, Parks, or Williams, meet us at 7:50 AM at the Route 66 Interpretive sign at https://goo.gl/maps/tCVWmYyTRkSuQHyy7 - We will start at 8 AM at Selena and Jeremiah's Little Pup Ranch with a post-run brunch at their house, so bring a treat or beverage to share!
August 31st: Meet at 7:30 AM sharp at the Flagstaff Athletic Club west overflow parking lot, and we will drive out to the Bill Williams Mountain Trail in Williams, Arizona. The run will start at 8 AM sharp and we will offer options for a chill four mile loop, or a breathtaking seven mile roundtrip run to the top of Bill Williams Mountain and back. Afterwards we will have brunch at George's house, so bring a treat or beverage to share!
August 24th: We will meet at 7:20 AM sharp at the Snowbowl/Highway 180 junction and then we will carpool to the Kendrick Mountain Trailhead. If you aren't interested in carpooling, meet at 8 AM at the Kendrick Mountain Trailhead.
August 17th: Meet at REI in the Aspen Village Shopping Center at 8 AM sharp and we will run down to Sinclair Wash and then do a loop returning on the Lone Tree Urban Trail, about a 5-6 mile run. Of course anyone can hop on the Arizona Trail and run as far as you like!
August 10th: Group run is canceled in favor of the grand finale of the Flagstaff Running Series, Flagstaff's oldest race, the 46th annual Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff Half Marathon and 5K Run or Walk at Thorpe Park. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/BBBSMemorialRunWalk
August 3rd: Group run is canceled in favor the the 4th race of the Flagstaff Running Series, the 45th annual Machine Solutions Run and Walk for Kids. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/MachineSolutionsRunWalk
July 27th: Meet at Buffalo Park at 8 AM, and we will run the iconic Lower Oldham/Rocky Ridge Loop, about 6.5 miles. Afterwards we will have a post-run brunch hosted by Fang and Liu!
July 20th: Group run is canceled in favor of the 3rd race of the Flagstaff Running Series, the Hopi Footprints Run at Fort Tuthill. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/FootprintsforHopi
July 13th: Meet at 7 AM at the parking lot for the Oldham Trail on Mount Elden Lookout Road (https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jc43AWLGc1YFoH6f8). We will head up the reconstructed Brookbank Trail up to Dry Lake Hills and go from there. Options for a shorter out and back, or doing a full loop will be offered!
July 6th: At 7 AM, meet at Sandy Canyon Trailhead off Lake Mary Road and we will run to Fisher Point and back. 6 to 8 mile options or 200 north to the Utah border! Meet spot - https://goo.gl/maps/8CKWYf134YcWXhgi9
July 4th: After the 7 AM Team Run Flagstaff Downtown Mile, join NATRA and friends at 8:00 AM for our 16th annual Randy Wilson Memorial 4 on the 4th run starting at the historic Flagstaff flagpole on Thorpe Road at https://goo.gl/maps/hBpxSka3PnZzzkZN9. We will make announcements beginning at 8 AM, with the fun run/walk starting at 8:15 AM. While we will no longer conduct a head start race, we will honor Randy and Jack Welch's memory by continuing to collect cans of food for the Flagstaff Family Food Center.
June 29th: Meet at 7:00 AM sharp at the parking lot for the Highland Trail off HWY 89 about 1 mile south of Fort Tuthill and we will run to the Kachina Wetlands and back, about 7 miles. Meet spot is https://goo.gl/maps/VeSbRy3UKhJWpGgKA
June 22nd: Meet at the Thorpe Park Bark Park at 7:00 AM sharp and we will run the Flagstaff Loop Trail on Observatory Mesa up to Cheshire and loop back down the FUTS. Meet spot is https://goo.gl/maps/JLXnEA46bmFuq7gT9
June 15th: Group run is cancelled in favor of the kick off to the 20th annual Flagstaff Running Series, the Northland Hospice Run for Life Races!
June 8th: Join NATRA for another run and brunch. At 7 AM, meet at the Roger's Lake Two-Spot trailhead (https://goo.gl/maps/ymXHJDxVnohWGJCX8?coh=178573&entry=tt) and we will run from there to Goldigger, about 6 miles roundtrip. Afterwards we will caravan to brunch at Bruce's house so bring a drink and/or treat to share.
June 1st: Celebrate National Trails Day with NATRA. First, we will meet early at 6:30 AM at the pullout by the closed gate 2.4 miles up Elden Springs Road (Forest Road 556). We will run up to Schultz Tank and back on the Arizona Trail, about 5.5 miles. This run will leave you breathless as we will climb over 700 ft to the tank. Afterwards, around 8:15 AM, we will join Flagstaff Biking and other partners to maintain trails in the Schultz Tank area. If you plan to help out with trail maintenance (please do!), RSVP here!
May 25th: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:15 AM sharp and we will carpool out to Dow Springs Trailhead to run the Sycamore Rim Trail. While this is about a 7.5 mile loop, you can also run out and back if you don't want to do the loop. (run starts at 8 AM)
May 18th: Meet at the Walnut Canyon/AZ Trailhead off Old Walnut Canyon Road at 8 AM. We will run north to I-40 and back, about 8 miles. Since it is an out-and-back, you can make the run as short as you like. Do leave yourself a little extra time to drive out to the meet spot and the recommended route is driving towards Walnut Canyon National Monument off I-40.
May 11th: Meet at the Sandy Seep Trailhead at 8 AM sharp, and we will run the Arizona Trail to Little Elden Springs and back (about 8 miles or less if you wish to run shorter).
May 4th: Meet at the Campbell Mesa Trailhead overflow parking area at 8 AM sharp, and we will do the outer 6 mile loop with an option to do the shorter 5K loop as well.
April 27th: Meet at the Walnut Canyon/AZ Trailhead trailhead off Old Walnut Canyon Road at 8 AM sharp and we will run out and back options to any of the various overlook points. Options of 5 to 8 miles, or 600 south to the Mexico border! Do leave yourself a little extra time to drive out to the meet spot and the recommended route is driving towards Walnut Canyon National Monument off I-40.
April 20th: Get your kicks on Old Route 66 by joining NATRA as we retrace the steps of the historic 1928 "Bunion Derby" with the run starting at 8 AM. For Flagstaff folks who wish to carpool, meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:00 AM and we will caravan out to the Welch Exit (151). For those coming from other locations, our meet spot will be the north side of the Welch Exit off I-40 at 7:45 AM.
On March 4th, 1928, 199 runners lined up in Los Angeles to participate in a 3,422-mile stage race to New York City, competing for a $25,000 top prize (nearly 500,000 in today's money). Beginning at 8 AM, we will run a 10K loop heading down the 1941 Route 66 alignment on Ash Fork Hill and then return on the exact uphill path runners took while racing 43.9 miles from Seligman to Williams along the 1921 Old Trails Highway alignment on March 16, 1928. To learn more check out this great video from the Cherokee Tribe's Osiyo TV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBR5zOVa8iU
Then at 2 PM, I will be the guest speaker for the Old Trails Museum's History Highlight Program at La Posada Hotel in Winslow and present, Footsteps from the Past: Retracing the Epic 1928 Route 66, 3,400-Mile Bunion Derby Footrace Across Northern Arizona.
April 13th: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:00 AM and we will caravan out to the Welch Exit (151) and run to the historic Johnson Canyon Tunnel and back, about a 6-mile round trip. For those coming from other locations, our meet spot at 7:45 AM sharp will be the north side of the Welch Exit off I-40 at 7:40 AM.
April 6th: Join NATRA for our second date with the Coffee and Kilometers group! Starting at 8 AM, we will meet up with the Coffee and Kilometers Run Club that starts at Single Speed Coffee Roasters (https://maps.app.goo.gl/R7XNqgcwhRVHtdzS8) at 8 AM. From there we will run the Sinclair Wash Trail for about 4 total miles and return for coffee and donuts. Of course you can run as far as you like on the Arizona Trail past the turnaround point at the ponds!
March 30th: We will run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail meeting at the Bell Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp. For those coming from Flagstaff, we will carpool from the Flagstaff Extreme/Fort Tuthill Parking lot at 7:45 AM!
March 23rd: Hangover Trail Loop, about 8 miles (this can be easily shortened by going out and back). Meet spot is the Old Munds Wagon Road Trailhead of Schnebly Hill Road, starting at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot (not Flagstaff Extreme) at 7:45 AM.
March 16th: Stirrup-SaddleUp-Stirrup-Lasso-Girdner-Roundabout; 6.4 miles. Meet at the Sedona Cultural Park at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot (not Flagstaff Extreme) at 7:30 AM. For those on Strava, you can view the route at https://www.strava.com/routes/3202620129863927000
March 9th: Aerie-DeadmanPass-Mescal-Yucca-CanyonOfFools-Dawa-Cockscomb; 5.8 miles. Meet at the Fay Canyon Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp, or for those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot at 7:30 AM.
March 2nd: Woods Canyon out and back, anywhere from 5 to 8 miles. For those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot at 7:30 AM. Otherwise just meet at the Woods Canyon Trailhead (turn in at the Red Rock Ranger Station) at 8:30 AM sharp!
February 24th: Here is another run we have not done in years! We will run the Yavapai Vista Figure 8 Loop Trails for a total of about 5 miles. For those that wish to run longer, you can divert onto the Templeton Trail System and run around Cathedral Rock. For those from Flagstaff you can carpool from the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot at 7:30 AM. Otherwise just meet at the Yavapai Vista Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp!
February 17th: We will run about a 6-mile out and back on Marj's Draw trail from the Old Munds Wagon Road Trailhead starting at 8:30 AM sharp. For those wishing to carpool from Flagstaff, meet at the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot (not Flagstaff Extreme) at 7:45 AM.
February 10th: UPDATED!!!! Due to the heavy snows in Flagstaff, and likely highway closures, we are going to split in to NATRA north and NATRA south groups. Those who live in the Sedona area, you will run the planned 6-mile (https://www.strava.com/activities/6713384437) loop starting at the Jacks Canyon Trailhead and incorporating the Little Rock and Rabbit Ears trails at 8:30 AM sharp (https://maps.app.goo.gl/jsfSvYSDYQu3BD9C7) For those in the north group, we will meet at the Fort Tuthill Disc golf course parking lot at 8:30 AM (https://maps.app.goo.gl/rn6yD237YrxrKGC2A) for running/cross-country skiing/snowshoeing fun! We will head out towards the Archery Range and celebrate this beautiful winter wonderland!
February 3rd: Group gathering will be for the RunSedona races where NATRA will once again staff our infamous Aid Station at Fay Canyon. Once the aid station slows down many will do an out and back on the Aeries Trail. If you'd like to join the fun, please email me at natrallc2017@gmail.com
January 27th: Meet at the Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot (not Flagstaff Extreme) at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Mescal Trail parking lot to start our Mescal trail loop run at 8:30 AM.
January 20th: Meet at Fort Tuthill south entrance dirt parking lot (not Flagstaff Extreme) at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Long Canyon Trailhead (https://goo.gl/maps/gV6kcbiPVHzH6CA48) to run our annual 7-mile out and back adventure. Run starts promptly at 8:30 AM.
January 13th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme north parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Broken Arrow Trailhead. Otherwise, meet at the trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp (https://goo.gl/maps/4Nzj8YoHA9ZDxvTG7), and we will run to Chicken Point and back, about 5 miles. Those who want to do more can add on the fork to Submarine Rock or go out and back on Marj's Draw.
January 6th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:20 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Aeries Trailhead in Sedona. The run will start at 8:30 AM and we will run the 6.25 mile Cockscombs/Axis/Outer Limits Loop. After the run, we will head to Liane's home at the Verde Valley School for a brunch celebration of Day of the Three Kings (Día de Los Reyes). Liane is making sweet bread cake ring (called Rosca de Reyes) that's traditional. She is also serving up menudo and a vegetarian corn tamale casserole, and of course her Verde Valley School famed Mexican Hot Chocolate! So if you plan to go to stick around, bring a treat or beverage along to share!
New Year's Day, Meet at 9 AM sharp at the Marshall School/Flagstaff Junior Academy parking lot and we will run the Flagstaff Urban Trail System to the "shire" returning via the Highway 180 trail. This run will be about 6 miles, but can be made longer or shorter for anyone!
December 30th: Meet at Fort Tuhtill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Turkey Creek Trail parking area where we will run about a 7-mile out and back starting at 8:30 AM.
December 25th: HOHOHOHO!!!!! Join NATRA on Christmas morning at Buffalo Park and we will celebrate together by running two Buffaloops at 9 AM sharp!
December 23rd: Meet at Fort Tuhtill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Old Munds Wagon Road parking area where we will run about a 5-mile out and back on the Huckaby Trail starting at 8:30 AM.
December 16th: Meet at Fort Tuhtill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:30 AM to carpool to the Verde Valley School soccer field parking lot from where we will run about a 7-mile out and back on the Transept Trail. Afterwards we will have a brunch hosted by Liane at the VVS, so bring a treat or something to drink if you plan to stick around!
December 9th: Meet at Fort Tuhtill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:30 AM to carpool to the Baldwin Trailhead parking lot where we will run the out and back along Buddha Beach and the Templeton Trail at the base of Cathedral Rock, about 8 miles. The run starts at 8:30 AM sharp. For a preview of the run visit https://www.strava.com/activities/6564847924
December 2nd: We will run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail meeting at the Bell Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp. For those coming from Flagstaff, we will carpool from the Flagstaff Extreme/Fort Tuthill Parking lot at 7:45 AM!
November 25th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 9 AM, and we will run the 6 mile Soldiers Trail loop (https://www.strava.com/activities/6018031299)
November 23rd, Thanksgiving Day: Get ready for the big feast as we will meet at 8:00 AM sharp at Buffalo Park. We will do two laps in the park ahead of the old Flagstaff Road and Track Club's Turkey Predictor run that has free registration beginning at 9 AM.
November 18th: Meet at the Sandy Seep Trailhead (https://maps.app.goo.gl/S7ZNawg5SnseoS6a7) at 9 AM sharp to run a loop to Picture Canyon and back, about 6 miles. We will stop at the interpretive stations and discuss Flagstaff's long history.
November 11th: Join NATRA as we continue to explore the new trails in the Mount Elden Dry Lake Hills system. We will meet at 9 AM at the parking lot for the Oldham Trail on Mount Elden Lookout Road (https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jc43AWLGc1YFoH6f8). We will head up the reconstructed Brookbank Trail up to Dry Lake Hills and go from there. Options for a shorter out and back, or doing a full loop will be offered!
November 4th: Join NATRA for an exciting double date! First, starting at 8 AM, we will meet up with the Coffee and Kilometers Run Club that starts at Single Speed Coffee Roasters (https://maps.app.goo.gl/R7XNqgcwhRVHtdzS8) at 8 AM. From there we will run the Sinclair Wash Trail for about 5 miles and return for coffee and donuts.
Afterwards, those who would like to support the Girls on the Run 5K in Buffalo Park can either register for the 5K as a "Sparkle" or "Community" runner, register to volunteer, or simply just show up to cheer on the girls and their running buddies! While the 5K starts at noon, we will show up around 11 to get registered or take volunteer positions. We hope you will join us for this very special event!
October 28th: Celebrate NATRA's 22nd Birthday where it all began; The Upper Schultz Creek Trailhead! Thanks to NATRA runner David Blanchard's suggestion, we will explore the area's newly built trails by doing a challenging 4.5 mile run with 600 ft. of climbing. Meet at the Upper Schultz Creek Trailhead (https://maps.app.goo.gl/KR2snPfCZtmJrav16) at 8 AM sharp and we will do a loop that incorporates the Chimney Springs/Big Bang/Spacewalk/Dipper/Rocky Ridge trails.
October 21st: At 8 AM, we will meet at the Campbell Mesa Trailhead overflow parking (https://maps.app.goo.gl/mZAb5np5HDMiEK2b9) and have options to run 3 or 6 mile loops.
October 14th: Soulstice Mountain Trail Run of course!
October 7th, 8 AM: With fall in full swing, we will meet at Aspen Corner (https://maps.app.goo.gl/K87ddkxi2JxL8hz3A) at 8 AM sharp to run to Bismarck Lake and back and also cheer on runners who are participating in Aravaipa's Sky Peaks races. This run is about 8 miles round trip on the Arizona Trail but can be made shorter or longer. To reduce congestion at Aspen Corner, let us meet at 7:30 AM to carpool from dispersed parking near the Fort Valley Trail System off Forest Road 164B.
September 30th 8 AM: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:15 AM sharp and we will carpool out to Dow Springs Trail head to run the Sycamore Rim Trail. While this is about an 7.5 mile loop, you can also run out and back if you don't want to do the loop.
September 23rd 8 AM: Join NATRA as we preview the Soulstice Prairie Run north of Parks, AZ. For those from Flagstaff we will leave from the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:30 AM. For those coming from Bellemont, Parks, or Williams, meet us at 7:50 AM at the Route 66 Interpretive sign at https://goo.gl/maps/tCVWmYyTRkSuQHyy7
September 16th/17th: Group run canceled in favor of our Hull Cabin Aid station duties supporting the Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Stagecoach Line races!
September 9th: 7 AM! Note the early start time! We will run and out and back (about 5 miles) on the Fort Valley Trail System from Forest Road 164 B. Then at 8:30 we will do our annual sponsorship of the Flagstaff Biking Organization's Pedals vs. Pistons vs. Horseshoes vs. Hiking Shoes Fort Valley Trail System maintenance day. Join NATRA and give back to the trails that we love!
September 7th: 4 to 7 PM, join NATRA at Buffalo Park at any time between 4 and 7 pm, as we will be participating in the Jack Welch Memorial Walk.
September 2nd: (UPDATED since the Peaks Invitational is in Buffalo Park). We will now meet at the FUTS trailhead at the north end of Hemlock Lane (https://goo.gl/maps/fqNtFRhT1MmjfU5b9) at 8 AM sharp and we will run the McMillan Mesa trail system and run up to cheer high school runners on at the Peaks Invitational!
August 26th: We will meet at 7:20 AM sharp at the Snowbowl/Highway 180 junction and then we will carpool to the Kendrick Mountain Trailhead. If you aren't interested in carpooling, meet at 8 AM at the Kendrick Mountain Trailhead.
August 19th: Join us for a special run on the eastern edge of Government Prairie where we will run in the Kaibab National Forest. Thanks to Selena and Jeremiah we will run from their house and have a post-run brunch pot-luck, so bring a long a favorite treat or drink to share! For those from Flagstaff we will leave from the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:30 AM. For those coming from Bellemont, Parks, or Williams, meet us at 7:50 AM at the Route 66 Interpretive sign at https://goo.gl/maps/tCVWmYyTRkSuQHyy7
August 12th: Group run is canceled in favor of the grand finale of the Flagstaff Running Series, Flagstaff's oldest race, the 46th annual Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff Half Marathon and 5K Run or Walk at Thorpe Park. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/BBBSMemorialRunWalk
August 5th: Group run is canceled in favor the the 4th race of the Flagstaff Running Series, the 45th annual Machine Solutions Run and Walk for Kids. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/MachineSolutionsRunWalk
July 29th: Group run is canceled in favor of the 3rd race of the Flagstaff Running Series, the Hopi Footprints Run at Fort Tuthill. Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AZ/Flagstaff/FootprintsforHopi
July 22nd: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:15 AM, and we will carpool to Williams, Arizona where we will run up the little known Davenport Hill Trail starting at 8 AM. This is about a 5 mile out-and-back run with nearly a more than 800 foot ascent. Afterwards we will have a brunch at George's house in Williams so bring a beverage or side dish to share.
July 15th: Meet at 7:30 AM sharp at the parking lot for the Highland Trail off HWY 89 about 1 mile south of Fort Tuthill and we will run to the Kachina Wetlands and back, about 7 miles. Meet spot is https://goo.gl/maps/VeSbRy3UKhJWpGgKA
July 8th: Meet at the Thorpe Park Bark Park at 7:30 AM sharp and we will run the Flagstaff Loop Trail on Observatory Mesa up to Cheshire and loop back down the FUTS. Meet spot is https://goo.gl/maps/JLXnEA46bmFuq7gT9
July 4th: After the 7 AM Team Run Flagstaff Downtown Mile, join NATRA and friends at 8 AM for our 15th annual Randy Wilson Memorial 4 on the 4th run starting at the historic Flagstaff flagpole on Thorpe Road at https://goo.gl/maps/hBpxSka3PnZzzkZN9. While we will no longer conduct a head start race, we will honor Randy's memory by continuing to collect cans of food for the Flagstaff Family Food Center.
July 1st, 8 AM: Meet at 8 AM sharp at the REI parking lot for options of 5 or 7 mile runs through Sinclair Wash. Meet spot is at https://goo.gl/maps/DxrJMj6XxCBJF5ba9
June 24th, 8 AM: Meet at Sandy Canyon Trailhead off Lake Mary Road and we will run to Fisher Point and back. 6 to 8 mile options or 200 north to the Utah border! Meet spot - https://goo.gl/maps/8CKWYf134YcWXhgi9
June 17th, the group run is canceled in favor of the Northland Hospice 10K/5K. Register here for the individual race or the Flagstaff Running Series value package.
June 10th, 8 AM: Join NATRA at the Arizona Trailhead parking area on the way to the Pine Grove Campground about 1/4 mile off Lake Mary Road at https://goo.gl/maps/w7xeDdJraGhxUPzy5?coh=178573&entry=tt
While many of us will do about 8 miles, this is an out and back so you can choose your distance of comfort. Along the way you will learn about the history of the old Flim-Flam railroad grade that we will be following. For more details visit https://www.strava.com/routes/2975395191081468838 Afterwards, we will have brunch at Mormon Lake Lodge!
June 3rd 8 AM: Join NATRA for another run and brunch. Meet at the Roger's Lake Two-Spot trailhead (https://goo.gl/maps/ymXHJDxVnohWGJCX8?coh=178573&entry=tt) and we will run from there to Goldigger, about 6 miles roundtrip. Afterwards we will have brunch at Bruce's house so bring a drink and/or treat to share.
May 27th: Join us for a special NATRA brunch (bring a treat or something to drink) and Klostermonster Repeats at the Little Pup Ranch! You will have your choice of running the Forest Service roads around the ranch, or do as many repeats as you can up and down Klostermeyer Hill between 8 and 10 AM. The top of the hill has perhaps the most breathtaking views of the San Francisco Peaks anywhere, so whether your run or hike, you will not want to miss this challenge! We will carpool from the Flagstaff Athletic Club west overflow parking lot at 7:30 AM. For those coming from other areas, meet us at the Route 66 interpretive pullout just east of Parks Arizona at 7:50 AM. From there we will take the short drive to Little Pup's Ranch.
May 20th: Meet at the Walnut Canyon/AZ Trailhead trailhead off Old Walnut Canyon Road at 8 AM sharp and we will run out and back options to any of the various overlook points. Options of 5 to 8 miles, or 600 south to the Mexico border!
May 13th: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:15 AM sharp and we will carpool out to Dow Springs Trail head to run the Sycamore Rim Trail. While this is about an 7.5 mile loop, you can also run out and back if you don't want to do the loop.
May 6th: Meet at the Walnut Canyon/AZ Trailhead off Old Walnut Canyon Road at 8 AM. We will run north to I-40 and back, about 8 miles. Since it is an out-and-back, you can make the run as short as you like. Do leave yourself a little extra time to drive out to the meet spot and the recommended route is driving towards Walnut Canyon National Monument off I-40.
April 29th: Meet at the Campbell Mesa Trailhead overflow parking area and we will do the outer 6 mile loop with an option to do the shorter 5K loop as well.
April 22nd: Meet at the Sandy Seep Trailhead at 8 AM sharp, and we will run the Arizona Trail to Little Elden Springs and back (about 8 miles).
April 15th: Meet at the Flagstaff Athletic Club West overflow parking lot at 7:00 AM and we will caravan out to the Welch Exit (151) and run to the historic Johnson Canyon Tunnel and back, about 6 miles round trip. For those coming from other locations, our meet spot at 7:45 AM sharp will be the north side of the Welch Exit off I-40 at 7:45 AM.
April 8th: Meet at Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Old Munds Wagon Road trailhead off Schnebly Hill Road to run the Hangover 8 mile loop at 8:30 AM sharp!
April 1st: The group run will be canceled in favor of the Sedona Stumble Trail Race! Join the fun today by registering at https://www.runsedonashop.com/sedonastumble
March 25th: Meet at Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:30 AM to carpool to Turkey Trail parking area where we will run about a 7-mile out and back starting at 8:30 AM.
March 18th: We will run out to the historic ghost town of Canyon Diablo. We will meet at 8:00 AM at the Flagstaff Athletic Club EAST parking lot (https://goo.gl/maps/qRcZ6LuzzHwVRaRp9) and take the short drive east to the Two Guns exit on I-40. We will park on the north side of the interstate (https://goo.gl/maps/eFaVGC8SUEH7cgbb9) starting the run at 8:30 AM, and run 3 miles on the dirt road that leads to the old 1881 railroad construction camp. If there is time afterward, we will explore the historic zoo at Two Guns. Don't miss this thrilling adventure!
March 11th: We will run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail meeting at the Bell Trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp. For those coming from Flagstaff, we will carpool from the Fort Tuthill Disc Golf parking lot at 7:45 AM!
March 4th: For those from Flagstaff, meet at our new spot at the Fort Tuthill Disco Golf parking lot at 7:40 AM and we will carpool south to park at the junction of Forest Road 618 and Forest Road 9201J located south of Wet Beaver Creek; From this junction, we will run east up to the top of the Mogollon Rim. This will be about a 6-mile roundtrip, out and back run that climbs more than 1000 ft to the top of the Mogollon Rim with incredible views of the Verde Valley. At the end of the run, we will add on a few hundred years to visit the Walker Creek "mini slide rock". On our return drive, if the V-BAR-V Ranch is open, we will try to get a tour of the incredible Native American Petroglyphs along Beaver Creek.
February 25th: Meet at our new spot at Fort Tuthill Disco Golf parking lot at 7:45 AM and we will carpool south to do an out and back run on the Old Blue Grade Road, about 6 miles. The run will start promptly at 8:30 AM at the dirt lot to the right of the Montezuma Well, Blue Grade Road stop sign intersection. if the roads are bad, Flagstaff runners will cross-country ski/snowshoe at Fort Tuthill, and the Sedona folks can still do the out and back run. Here is the Strava Map for a preview.
February 18th: NATRA will participate the Verde Valley School Dream Run 5k fundraiser for their Native American student scholarships. We will carpool from Flagstaff Extreme/Fort Tuthill Parking Lot at 7:15 AM. You can either register online or race day. Race goes off at 9 AM from the Verde Valley School. Join us for this rare opportunity to see their beautiful campus near the base of Cathedral Rock.
February 11th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme at 7:30 AM and we will carpool to Sedona to do the Mescal loop from the Mescal Trailhead off Long Canyon Road. The run will start promptly at 8:30 AM. This is about a 5.3 mile run. Check out Alain's Strava map for more details.
February 4th: Group run is canceled in favor of the RunSedona races where NATRA will once again staff our infamous Aid Station at Fay Canyon. Once the aid station slows down many will do an out and back on the Aeries Trail. If you'd like to join the fun, please email me at natrallc2017@gmail.com
January 28th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme north parking lot at 7:45 AM to carpool to the Broken Arrow Trailhead. Otherwise, meet at the trailhead at 8:30 AM sharp (https://goo.gl/maps/4Nzj8YoHA9ZDxvTG7), and we will run to Chicken Point and back, about 5 miles. Those who want to do more can add on the fork to Submarine Rock or go out and back on Marj's Draw.
January 21st: Meet at Fort Tuhtill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:30 AM to carpool to the Baldwin Trailhead parking lot where we will run the out and back along Buddha Beach and the Templeton Trail at the base of Cathedral Rock, about 8 miles. The run starts at 8:30 AM sharp.
January 14th: Meet at Fort Tuthill Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:30 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Long Canyon Trailhead (https://goo.gl/maps/gV6kcbiPVHzH6CA48) to run our annual 7-mile out and back run and plunge adventure. Run starts promptly at 8:30 AM.
January 7th: Meet at Fort Tuthill/Flagstaff Extreme parking lot at 7:20 AM sharp and we will carpool to the Aeries Trailhead in Sedona. The run will start at 8:30 AM and we will run the 6.25 mile Cockscombs/Axis/Outer Limits Loop.
New Year's Day, Meet at 9 AM sharp at the Marshall School/Flagstaff Junior Academy parking lot and we will run the Flagstaff Urban Trail System to the "shire" returning via the Highway 180 trail. This run will be about 6 miles, but can be made longer or shorter for anyone!